Hello guys,

I have a cassandra cluster = 2.1.0-2 comprised of 3 nodes.  I successfully
added the third node last week.  After that, I ran nodetool cleanup on one
of the other two nodes, and it finished well but it increased the used disk
Before running the clean up the node was 197 GB of used space, and after
that it is 329GB used.  It is my understanding that the clean up frees up
some space, but in this case it was highly increased.

I am running out of space, that's why I added a third node.  Do you have
any clue on how to proceed with that situation?

Thanks in advance!!

Saludos / Regards.

Analía Lorenzatto.

“It's possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not weakness.
That is life".  By Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

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