Hello All,

Now we settled on the following approach. I want to know if there are any
problems that you foresee in the production environment.

Our Approach: Use  Off Heap Memory

Modifications to default cassandra.yaml and cassandra-env.sh
 * memory_allocator: JEMallocAllocator
 * memtable_allocation_type: offheap_objects

 By above two, the slab allocation
(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5935), which requires
 1MB heap memory per table, is disabled. The memory for table
metadata, caches and memtable are thus
 allocated natively and does not affect GC performance.

 * tombstone_failure_threshold: 100000000

   Without this, C* throws TombstoneOverwhelmingException while in startup.
   This setting looks problematic so I want to know why just creating
tables makes so many tombstones ...

 * -XX:+UseG1GC

   It is good for reducing GC time.
   Without this, full GCs > 1s are observed.

We created 5000 column families with about 1000 entries per column family.
The read/write performance seems to stable.
The problem we saw is with startup time.

     Cassandra Start Time (s) 20

349  Average CPU Usage (%) 40

49.65  GC Actitivy (%) 2.6

Thanks a lot in advance.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:26 AM, graham sanderson <gra...@vast.com> wrote:

> > I strongly advise against this approach.
>> Jon, I think so too. But so you actually foresee any problems with this
>> approach?
>> I can think of a few. [I want to evaluate if we can live with this
>> problem]
>> Just to be clear, I’m not saying this is a great approach, I AM saying
> that it may be better than having 10000+ CFs, which was the original
> question (it really depends on the use case which wasn’t well defined)… map
> size limit may be a problem, and then there is the CQL vs thrift question
> which could start a flame war; ideally CQL maps should give you the same
> flexibility as arbitrary thrift columns
> On Jun 1, 2015, at 9:44 PM, Jonathan Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:
> > Sorry for this naive question but how important is this tuning? Can
> this have a huge impact in production?
> Massive.  Here's a graph of when we did some JVM tuning at my previous
> company:
> http://33.media.tumblr.com/5d0efca7288dc969c1ac4fc3d36e0151/tumblr_inline_mzvj254quj1rd24f4.png
> About an order of magnitude difference in performance.
> Jon
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 7:20 PM Arun Chaitanya <chaitan64a...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Jon and Jack,
>> > I strongly advise against this approach.
>> Jon, I think so too. But so you actually foresee any problems with this
>> approach?
>> I can think of a few. [I want to evaluate if we can live with this
>> problem]
>>    - No more CQL.
>>    - No data types, everything needs to be a blob.
>>    - Limited clustering Keys and default clustering order.
>> > First off, different workloads need different tuning.
>> Sorry for this naive question but how important is this tuning? Can this
>> have a huge impact in production?
>> > You might want to consider a model where you have an application layer
>> that maps logical tenant tables into partition keys within a single large
>> Casandra table, or at least a relatively small number of  Cassandra tables.
>> It will depend on the typical size of your tenant tables - very small ones
>> would make sense within a single partition, while larger ones should have
>> separate partitions for a tenant's data. The key here is that tables are
>> expensive, but partitions are cheap and scale very well with Cassandra.
>> We are actually trying similar approach. But we don't want to expose this
>> to application layer. We are attempting to hide this and provide an API.
>> > Finally, you said "10 clusters", but did you mean 10 nodes? You might
>> want to consider a model where you do indeed have multiple clusters, where
>> each handles a fraction of the tenants, since there is no need for separate
>> tenants to be on the same cluster.
>> I meant 10 clusters. We want to split our tables across multiple clusters
>> if above approach is not possible. [But it seems to be very costly]
>> Thanks,
>> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:49 AM, Jack Krupansky <jack.krupan...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> How big is each of the tables - are they all fairly small or fairly
>>> large? Small as in no more than thousands of rows or large as in tens of
>>> millions or hundreds of millions of rows?
>>> Small tables are are not ideal for a Cassandra cluster since the rows
>>> would be spread out across the nodes, even though it might make more sense
>>> for each small table to be on a single node.
>>> You might want to consider a model where you have an application layer
>>> that maps logical tenant tables into partition keys within a single large
>>> Casandra table, or at least a relatively small number of Cassandra tables.
>>> It will depend on the typical size of your tenant tables - very small ones
>>> would make sense within a single partition, while larger ones should have
>>> separate partitions for a tenant's data. The key here is that tables are
>>> expensive, but partitions are cheap and scale very well with Cassandra.
>>> Finally, you said "10 clusters", but did you mean 10 nodes? You might
>>> want to consider a model where you do indeed have multiple clusters, where
>>> each handles a fraction of the tenants, since there is no need for separate
>>> tenants to be on the same cluster.
>>> -- Jack Krupansky
>>> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 11:32 PM, Arun Chaitanya <
>>> chaitan64a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Good Day Everyone,
>>>> I am very happy with the (almost) linear scalability offered by C*. We
>>>> had a lot of problems with RDBMS.
>>>> But, I heard that C* has a limit on number of column families that can
>>>> be created in a single cluster.
>>>> The reason being each CF stores 1-2 MB on the JVM heap.
>>>> In our use case, we have about 10000+ CF and we want to support
>>>> multi-tenancy.
>>>> (i.e 10000 * no of tenants)
>>>> We are new to C* and being from RDBMS background, I would like to
>>>> understand how to tackle this scenario from your advice.
>>>> Our plan is to use Off-Heap memtable approach.
>>>> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/off-heap-memtables-in-Cassandra-2-1
>>>> Each node in the cluster has following configuration
>>>> 16 GB machine (8GB Cassandra JVM + 2GB System + 6GB Off-Heap)
>>>> IMO, this should be able to support 1000 CF with no(very less) impact
>>>> on performance and startup time.
>>>> We tackle multi-tenancy using different keyspaces.(Solution I found on
>>>> the web)
>>>> Using this approach we can have 10 clusters doing the job. (We actually
>>>> are worried about the cost)
>>>> Can you please help us evaluate this strategy? I want to hear
>>>> communities opinion on this.
>>>> My major concerns being,
>>>> 1. Is Off-Heap strategy safe and my assumption of 16 GB supporting 1000
>>>> CF right?
>>>> 2. Can we use multiple keyspaces to solve multi-tenancy? IMO, the
>>>> number of column families increase even when we use multiple keyspace.
>>>> 3. I understand the complexity using multi-cluster for single
>>>> application. The code base will get tightly coupled with infrastructure. Is
>>>> this the right approach?
>>>> Any suggestion is appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Arun

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