
we recently experimented read performance on both versions and found read
is slower in 2.1.6. Here is our setup:

1. Machines: 3 physical hosts. Each node has 24 cores CPU, 256G memory and
8x600GB SAS disks with raid 1.
2. Replica is 3 and a billion rows of data is inserted.
3. Key cache capacity is increased to 50G on each node.
4. Keep querying the same set of a million partition keys in a loop.

For 2.0.14, we can get an average of 6 ms while for 2.1.6, we can only get
18 ms

It seems key cache hit rate 0.011 is pretty low even though the same set of
keys were used. Has anybody done similar read performance testing? Could
you share your results?


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