On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 9:31 PM, John Wong <gokoproj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Graham. Thanks. We are still running on 1.2.16, but we do plan to
> upgrade in the near future. The load on the cluster at the time was very
> very low. All nodes were responsive, except nothing was show up in the logs
> after certain time, which led me to believe something happened internal,
> although that was a poor wild guess.
> But is it safe to be okay with schema disagreement? I worry about data
> consistency if I let it sit too long.

In general one shouldn't run with schema disagreement persistently.

I've seen schema desynch issues on 1.2.x, in general restarting some
unclear subset of the affected daemons made them synch.


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