Do you see this log message?<>("Startup complete, but write survey mode is 
active, not becoming an active ring member. Use JMX 
(StorageService->joinRing()) to finalize ring joining.");

ð  Yes !

Log : INFO [main] 2015-07-29 15:29:35,697 (line 853) 
Startup complete, but write survey mode is active, not becoming an active ring 
member. Use JMX (StorageService->joinRing()) to finalize ring joining.

De : Robert Coli []
Envoyé : mercredi 29 juillet 2015 21:03
À :
Objet : Re: problem with write_survey

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 8:04 AM, 
<<>> wrote:
but the node allows read:

cqlsh> select * from myTable  where id = 1745;

id   | fname | lname
1745 |  john | smith

This is unexpected. Does the node show up in eg nodetool ring? If so, you are 
probably failing to properly use write_survey.

Do you see this log message?<>("Startup complete, but write survey mode is 
active, not becoming an active ring member. Use JMX 
(StorageService->joinRing()) to finalize ring joining.");

(Key 1745 exists on node with the the write survey = true)
Then, when attempting a transition a node from write survey to normal mode, the 
"nodetool join" invocation fails as the node is already "joined".

Do you have any idea ?

Cassandra Version: 2.0.10

Is fixed in most recent 2.0.x, 2.0.17.



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