My Cassandra version is 2.1.4.


On Aug 10, 2015, at 9:52 AM, rock zhang <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Currently i have three hosts. The data is not balanced, one is 79G, another 
> two have 300GB. When I adding a new host, firstly I got "too many open files" 
> error, then i changed file open limit from 100,000 to 1, 000, 000. Then I got 
> OOM error.
> Should I change the limits to 20,0000 instead of 1M?  My memory is 33G, i am 
> using EC2 c2*2xlarge.  Ideally even if the data is large, just slower, should 
> not OOM, don't understand why .
> I actually got this error pretty often. I guess the reason is because my data 
> is pretty large?  If cassandra try to split the data evenly on all host, then 
> Cassandra need to copy around 200GB to the new host. 
> From my experience, An alternative way to solve this is add new host as seed, 
> do not use "Add host", then data would be move, so so OOM. But not sure data 
> will be lost or cannot be located. 
> Thanks
> Rock 

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