Two questions really:

1) Is there a way to search the archives or another better
approach to searching for Cassandra answers such as #2?

2) I have the following error in /var/log/cassandra/cassandra.log -
cassandra dies after "service cassandra start"

This is Cassandra 2.1.8 running on RHEL 6.6, in a docker container.

ERROR 12:16:09 Detected unreadable sstables
please check NEWS.txt and ensure
that you have upgraded through all required intermediate versions, running

This is Cassandra 2.1.8 running on RHEL 6.6, in a docker container - single
node "cluster".
Fortunately, this is an experimental system, not production (and actually
running in a VM that experienced a couple of transient disconnects to its
datastore, likely having ill effect on /data.)
I'd really *hate* to see this happen in production!  (But then, in
production, I should have some pretty resilient storage for
data_file_directories and commitlog_directory.)

Is this a case where sstablescrub might be useful?  If so, I've only vague
ideas about what arguments to supply for <keyspace> and <column_family>.

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