How are you loading the data? I mean, what insert method are you using?

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:58 PM, Benyi Wang <> wrote:

> I have a cassandra cluster provides data to a web service. And there is a
> daily batch load writing data into the cluster.
>    - Without the batch loading, the service’s Latency 99thPercentile is
>    3ms. But during the load, it jumps to 90ms.
>    - I checked cassandra keyspace’s ReadLatency.99thPercentile, which
>    jumps to 1ms from 600 microsec.
>    - The service’s cassandra java driver request 99thPercentile was 90ms
>    during the load
> The java driver took the most time. I knew the Cassandra servers are busy
> in writing, but I want to know what kinds of metrics can identify where is
> the bottleneck so that I can tune it.
> I’m using Cassandra 2.1.8 and Cassandra Java Driver 2.1.5.
> ​

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