You probably could, but if I were you, I'd consider a tool built for that
purpose, such as Zookeeper.  It'd open up access to a lot of other great
cluster coordination features.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 8:47 AM Jan Algermissen <>

> Hi,
> suppose I have two data centers and want to coordinate a bunch of services
> in each data center (for example to load data into a per-DC system that is
> not DC-aware (Solr)).
> Does it make sense to use CAS functionality with explicit LOCAL_SERIAL to
> 'elect' a leader per data center to do the work?
> So instead of saying 'for this query, LOCAL_SERIAL is enough for me' this
> would be like saying 'I want XYZ to happen exactly once, per data center'.
> - All services would try to do XYZ, but only one instance *per datacenter*
> will actually become the leader and succeed.
> Makes sense?
> Jan

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