Because the data format has changed, you’ll need to read it out and write it 
back in again.

This means using either a driver (java, python, c++, etc), or something like 

In either case, split up the token range so you can parallelize it for 
significant speed improvements.

From:  "qihuang.zheng"
Reply-To:  ""
Date:  Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 6:18 PM
To:  user
Subject:  C* Table Changed and Data Migration with new primary key

Hi All:

  We have a table defined only one partition key and some cluster key. 

  attribute text,       
  partner text,    
  app text,        
  "timestamp" bigint,   
  event text,           
  PRIMARY KEY ((attribute), partner, app, "timestamp")
And now we want to split  original test1 table to 3 tables like this:  
test_global :  PRIMARY KEY ((attribute), “timestamp")
test_partner:  PRIMARY KEY ((attribute, partner), "timestamp”)
test_app:       PRIMARY KEY ((attribute, partner, app), “timestamp”)

Why we split original table because when query global data by timestamp desc 
like this:
select * from test1 where attribute=? order by timestamp desc 
is not support in Cass. As class order by support should use all clustering 
But sql like this:
select * from test1 where attribute=? order by partner desc,app desc, timestamp 
can’t query the right global data by ts desc.
After Split table we could do globa data query right: select * from test_global 
where attribute=? order by timestamp desc.

Now we have a problem of data migration. 
As I Know, sstableloader is the most easy way,but could’t deal with different 
table name. (Am I right?)
And cp cmd in cqlsh can’t fit our situation because our data is two large. 
(10Nodes, one nodes has 400G data)
I alos try JavaAPI by query the origin table and then insert into 3 different 
splited table.But seems too slow

Any Solution aboult quick data migration? 

PS: Cass version: 2.0.15

Thanks & Regards,  

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