Most concerned about write since that's where most of the cost is, but perf
numbers for a any workload mix would be helpful.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Graham Sanderson <> wrote:

> On read or write?
> and friends in 2.2
> should make some difference, I didn’t immediately find perf numbers though.
> On Nov 3, 2015, at 5:42 PM, Dan Kinder <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Just wondering if anyone has done seen or done any benchmarking for the
> actual CPU overhead added by various compression algorithms in Cassandra
> (at least LZ4) vs no compression. Clearly this is going to be workload
> dependent but even a rough gauge would be helpful (ex. "Turning on LZ4
> compression increases my CPU load by ~2x")
> -dan

Dan Kinder
Senior Software Engineer
Turnitin –

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