Did you tried to observe it using cassandra-cli? (the thrift client)
It shows the 'disk-layout' of the data and may help as well.

Otherwise, if you can reproduce it having a varint as the last part of the
partition key (or at any other location), this may well be a bug.

Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso <https://twitter.com/calonso>

On 23 November 2015 at 18:48, Ramon Rockx <ra...@iqnomy.com> wrote:

> Hello Carlos,
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Carlos Alonso <i...@mrcalonso.com> wrote:
>> Well, this makes me wonder how varints are compared in java vs python
>> because the problem may be there.
>> I'd suggest getting the token, to know which server contains the missing
>> data. Go there and convert sstables to json, find the record and see what's
>> there as the tnt_id. You could also use the thrift client to list it and
>> see how it looks on disk and see if there's something wrong.
>> If the data is there and looks fine, probably there's a problem managing
>> varints somewhere in the read path.
> Thanks for your input.
> I converted the sstables to json and found the record, it starts with:
> {"key": "00080000000e70451f640000040000000500","columns":
> [["cba56260-5c1c-11e3-bf53-402d20524153:1","{\"v\":1383400,\"s\":2052461,\"r\"...8<...
> It's a composite key and I don't know how to deserialize it properly.
> Maybe I can setup a test case to reproduce the problem.
> Thanks,
> Ramon

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