If you combine inserts for multiple partition keys in the same batch you
negate most of the effect of token-aware routing. It's best to insert only
rows with the same partition key in a single batch. You also need to set
the partition key for routing for the batch.

Also, RF=2 is not recommended since it does not permit quorum operations if
a replica node is down. RF=3 is generally more appropriate.

-- Jack Krupansky

On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 10:27 PM, xutom <xutom2...@126.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
>     Thanks for ur reply!
>     Now I`m using Apache Cassandra 2.1.1 and my JDK is 1.7.0_79,  my
> keyspace replication factor is 2,and I do enable the "token aware". The GC
> configuration is default for such as:
> # GC tuning options
> JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
> JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled"
>     And I check the gc log: gc.log.0.current, I found there is only one
> Full GC. The stop-the-world times is low.
> CMS-initial-mark: 0.2747280 secs
> CMS-remark: 0.3623090 secs
>     The insert codes in my test client are following:
>             String content = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(120);
>             cluster = Cluster
>                     .builder()
>                     .addContactPoint(this.seedIP)
>                     .withCredentials("test", "test")
>                     .withRetryPolicy(DefaultRetryPolicy.INSTANCE)
>                     .withLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new
> DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy()))
>                     .build();
>             session = cluster.connect("demo");
>             ......
>             PreparedStatement insertPreparedStatement = session.prepare(
>                         "   INSERT INTO teacher (id, lastname, firstname,
> city) " +
>                                 "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?); ");
>             BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement();
>             for (; i < max; i+=5) {
>                 try {
>                     batch.add(insertPreparedStatement.bind(i, "Entre
> Nous", "adsfasdfa1", content));
>                     batch.add(insertPreparedStatement.bind(i+1, "Entre
> Nous", "adsfasdfa2", content));
>                     batch.add(insertPreparedStatement.bind(i+2, "Entre
> Nous", "adsfasdfa3", content));
>                     batch.add(insertPreparedStatement.bind(i+3, "Entre
> Nous", "adsfasdfa4", content));
>                     batch.add(insertPreparedStatement.bind(i+4, "Entre
> Nous", "adsfasdfa5", content));
> //                    System.out.println("the is is " + i);
>                     session.execute(batch);
>                     thisTimeCount += 5;
>                 }
>             }
> At 2015-12-07 00:40:06, "Graham Sanderson" <gra...@vast.com> wrote:
> What version of C* are you using; what JVM version - you showed a partial
> GC config but if that is still CMS (not G1) then you are going to have
> insane GC pauses...
> Depending on C* versions are you using on/off heap memtables and what type
> Those are the sorts of issues related to fat nodes; I'd be worried about -
> we run very nicely at 20G total heap and 8G new - the rest of our 128G
> memory is disk cache/mmap and all of the off heap stuff so it doesn't go to
> waste
> That said I think Jack is probably on the right path with overloaded
> coordinators- though you'd still expect to see CPU usage unless your
> timeouts are too low for the load, In which case the coordinator would be
> getting no responses in time and quite possibly the other nodes are just
> dropping the mutations (since they don't get to them before they know the
> coordinator would have timed out) - I forget the command to check dropped
> mutations off the top of my head but you can see it in opcenter
> If you have GC problems you certainly
> Expect to see GC cpu usage but depending on how long you run your tests it
> might take you a little while to run thru 40G
> I'm personally not a fan off >32G (ish) heaps as you can't do compressed
> oops and also it is unrealistic for CMS ... The word is that G1 is now
> working ok with C* especially on newer C* and JDK versions, but that said
> it takes quite a lot of thru-put to require insane quantities of young
> gen... We are guessing that when we remove all our legacy thrift batch
> inserts we will need less - and as for 20G total we actually don't need
> that much (we dropped from 24 when we moved memtables off heap, and believe
> we can drop further)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 6, 2015, at 9:07 AM, Jack Krupansky <jack.krupan...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> What replication factor are you using? Even if your writes use CL.ONE,
> Cassandra will be attempting writes to the replica nodes in the background.
> Are your writes "token aware"? If not, the receiving node has the overhead
> of forwarding the request to the node that owns the token for the primary
> key.
> For the record, Cassandra is not designed and optimized for so-called "fat
> nodes". The design focus is "commodity hardware" and "distributed cluster"
> (typically a dozen or more nodes.)
> That said, it would be good if we had a rule of thumb for how many
> simultaneous requests a node can handle, both external requests and
> inter-node traffic. I think there is an open Jira to enforce a limit on
> inflight requests so that nodes don't overloaded and start failing in the
> middle of writes as you seem to be seeing.
> -- Jack Krupansky
> On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 9:29 AM, jerry <xutom2...@126.com> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>>     Now I have a 4 nodes Cassandra cluster, and I want to know the
>> highest performance of my Cassandra cluster. I write a JAVA client to batch
>> insert datas into ALL 4 nodes Cassandra, when I start less than 30
>> subthreads in my client applications to insert datas into cassandra, it
>> will be ok for everything, but when I start more than 80 or 100 subthreads
>> in my client applications, there will be too much timeout Exceptions (Such
>> as: Cassandra timeout during write query at consistency ONE (1 replica were
>> required but only 0 acknowledged the write)). And no matter how many
>> subthreads or even I start multiple clients with multiple subthreads on
>> different computers, I can get the highest performance for about 60000 -
>> 80000 TPS. By the way, each row I insert into cassandra is about 130 Bytes.
>>     My 4 nodes of Cassandra is :
>>         CPU: 4*15
>>         Memory: 512G
>>         Disk: flash card (only one disk but better than SSD)
>>     My cassandra configurations are:
>>         MAX_HEAP_SIZE: 60G
>>         NEW_HEAP_SIZE: 40G
>>     When I insert datas into my cassandra cluster, each nodes has NOT
>> reached bottleneck such as CPU or Memory or Disk. Each of the three main
>> hardwares is idle。So I think maybe there is something wrong about my
>> configuration of cassandra cluster. Can somebody please help me to My
>> Cassandra Tuning? Thanks in advances!

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