   I have a 4 node cluster with status 3 UN and 1 DN. I am trying to add a
new node into the cluster but it is also dead. So the cluster is now 3 UN
and 2 DN. However I didnot run nodetool cleanup on any nodes. And just
several KBs of data is migrated to this newly added node.

All the keyspaces are replicated for 3. I am trying to remove this newly
add node using nodetool removenode. But it hangs for 24 hours with remove
node status.

RemovalStatus: Removing token (-9104065154580789913). Waiting for
replication confirmation from [/,/,/].

Is it safe to use removenode force to remove this newly added node? Will
any data be lost? Thanks!
*陈硕* *Shuo Chen*

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