By the way, when would be the version 2.1.10 published?

2015-12-15 10:02 GMT+08:00 joseph gao <>:

> That's great. Thanks, Alex!
> 2015-10-02 0:36 GMT+08:00 Alexandre Dutra <>:
>> I confirm that the optional schema metadata feature (JAVA-828
>> <>) has been merged
>> upstream and is included in driver 3.0.0-alpha3 and will as well be
>> included in the forthcoming 2.1.8 version.
>> On a side note, JAVA-664
>> <> has been open for
>> quite a while now and aims to fix the problem you describe. It will
>> hopefully make it into 2.1.8 as well, although I cannot guarantee that at
>> this point.
>> Thanks,
>> Alexandre Dutra
>> On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 7:55 PM Alex Popescu <> wrote:
>>> Besides the others' advice that 2000+ keyspaces might be too much, the
>>> latest Java driver (2.0.11) includes an option to disable the Metadata API
>>> I'm not sure at this moment if this has been merged into 2.1 already.
>>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 9:22 AM, joseph gao <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> cassandra: 2.1.7
>>>> java driver: datastax java driver 2.1.6
>>>> Here is the problem:
>>>>    My application uses 2000+ keyspaces, and will dynamically create
>>>> keyspaces and tables. And then in java client, the
>>>> Metadata.tokenMap.tokenToHost would use about 1g memory. so this will cause
>>>> a lot of  full gc.
>>>>    As I see, the key of the tokenToHost is keyspace, and the value is a
>>>> tokenId_to_replicateNodes map.
>>>>    When I try to solve this problem, I find something not sure: all
>>>> keyspaces have same 'tokenId_to_replicateNodes' map.
>>>>     My replication strategy of all keyspaces is : simpleStrategy and
>>>> replicationFactor is 3
>>>>     So would it be possible if keyspaces use same strategy, the value
>>>> of tokenToHost map use a same map. So it would extremely reduce the memory
>>>> usage
>>>>      thanks a lot
>>>> --
>>>> ------
>>>> Joseph Gao
>>>> PhoneNum:15210513582
>>>> QQ: 409343351
>>> --
>>> Bests,
>>> Alex Popescu | @al3xandru
>>> Sen. Product Manager @ DataStax
>>> <>
>> --
>> Alexandre Dutra
>> Driver & Tools Engineer @ DataStax
> --
> ------
> Joseph Gao
> PhoneNum:15210513582
> QQ: 409343351

Joseph Gao
QQ: 409343351

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