Security is a very wide concept. What exactly do you want to achieve ?

From: Ajay Garg []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 11:27 AM
Subject: Basic query in setting up secure inter-dc cluster

Hi All.
We have a 2*2 cluster deployed, but no security as of now.
As a first stage, we wish to implement inter-dc security.
Is it possible to enable security one machine at a time?
For example, let's say the machines are DC1M1, DC1M2, DC2M1, DC2M2.
If I make the changes JUST IN DC2M2 and restart it, will the traffic between 
DC1M1/DC1M2 and DC2M2 be secure? Or security will kick in ONLY AFTER the 
changes are made in all the 4 machines?
Asking here, because I don't want to screw up a live cluster due to my lack of 
Looking forward to some pointers.


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