I have never used Materialized Views so maybe this suggestion is not
possible, but in this case, wouldn't it make sense to define the
materialized view as

is_favourite IS TRUE
instead of
is_favourite IS NOT NULL?

Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso <https://twitter.com/calonso>

On 10 January 2016 at 09:59, DuyHai Doan <doanduy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Try this
> CREATE TABLE communication.user_contact_list (
>   user_id uuid,
>   contact_id uuid,
>   contact_name text,
>   created_at timeuuid,
>   is_favorite boolean,
>   favorite_at timestamp,
>   PRIMARY KEY (user_id, contact_name, contact_id)
> );
> CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW communication.user_favorite_contact_list
> AS SELECT * FROM communication.user_contact_list
> WHERE user_id IS NOT NULL AND contact_name IS NOT NULL
> AND contact_id IS NOT NULL AND is_favorite IS NOT NULL
> PRIMARY KEY(user_id, is_favorite, contact_name, contact_id)
> If the flag is_favorite is not updated very often the write perf hit due
> to materialized view is acceptable.
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 11:57 PM, Isaac P. <i...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Jack/ Michael,
>> Thanks for answering.
>> How big?: Less then one hundred contacts by user is the normal.
>> Update requirements: The UPDATE requirements are all around  each user
>> “favoriting/unfavoriting” the contacts . Deleting is not very frequent.
>> Does that mean that in C* 3.02 , for this use case to work, the contact
>> name  must be part of a  composite partition key in order to allow sorting
>> by contact_name like this ? :
>> CREATE TABLE communication.user_contact_list (
>> user_id uuid,
>> contact_name text,
>> is_favorite boolean,
>> contact_id uuid,
>> created_at timeuuid,
>> favorite_at timestamp,
>> PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, contact_name), is_favorite)
>> )  WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (contact_name ASC);
>> Query: Select * from user_contact_list where user_id = :userid and
>> is_favorite = true order by contact_name asc;
>> Looks like each contact as a row/clustering key will be the way to go.
>> Thanks
>> From: Laing, Michael <michael.la...@nytimes.com>
>> <michael.la...@nytimes.com>
>> Reply: user@cassandra.apache.org <user@cassandra.apache.org>>
>> <user@cassandra.apache.org>
>> Date: January 9, 2016 at 11:51:27 AM
>> To: user@cassandra.apache.org <user@cassandra.apache.org>>
>> <user@cassandra.apache.org>
>> Subject:  Re: Modeling contact list, plain table or List
>> Note that in C* 3.02 the second query is invalid:
>> cqlsh> Select * from communication.user_contact_list where user_id =
>> 98f50f00-b6d5-11e5-afec-6003089bf572 and is_favorite = true order
>> by contact_name asc;
>> *InvalidRequest: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="PRIMARY KEY column
>> "is_favorite" cannot be restricted as preceding column "contact_name" is
>> not restricted"*
>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 6:50 PM, Jack Krupansky <jack.krupan...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> How big is each contact list expected to be? Dozens? Hundreds?
>>> Thousands? If just dozens, a simple list column would seem sufficient. If
>>> thousands, the row (not partition) would get kind of bloated.
>>> What requirements do you have for updating? If updating contacts and
>>> lots of contacts, I think I'd prefer each contact as a row/clustering key.
>>> Nice to be able to do selective queries to return slices of the clustering
>>> key values, which is not so easy if they are all just a single list column.
>>> -- Jack Krupansky
>>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 6:31 PM, Isaac P. <i...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone
>>>> What would perform better while modeling a simple user contact list
>>>>  that will be used mainly to select the recipients for/from/to messages ?
>>>> a) Individual rows to each (user, contact) pair so a select would fetch
>>>> all the rows  to retrieve all the contacts from a given user.
>>>> or
>>>> b) A single row for each user containing the List<Contact>  UDT.
>>>> Aside of the basic CRUD, the queries will be the following ones:
>>>> Select * from user_contact_list where user_id = :userid order by
>>>> contact_name asc
>>>> Select * from user_contact_list where user_id = :userid and is_favorite
>>>> = true order by contact_name asc
>>>> After reading this
>>>> https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.0/cql/ddl/ddl_compound_keys_c.html
>>>>  the table is looking like this:
>>>> CREATE TABLE communication.user_contact_list (
>>>> user_id uuid,
>>>> contact_id uuid,
>>>> contact_name text,
>>>> created_at timeuuid,
>>>> is_favorite boolean,
>>>> favorite_at timestamp,
>>>> PRIMARY KEY (user_id, contact_name, is_favorite)
>>>> );
>>>> Any guidance will be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> --
>>>> IPVP

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