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On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 4:17 AM, Dennis Birkholz <>

> Hi together,
> we Cassandra to log event data and process it every 15 minutes with Spark.
> We are using the Cassandra Java Connector for Spark.
> Randomly our Spark runs produce too few output records because no data is
> returned from Cassandra for a several minutes window of input data. When
> querying the data (with cqlsh), after multiple tries, the data eventually
> becomes available.
> To solve the problem, we tried to use consistency=ALL when reading the
> data in Spark. We use the
> CassandraJavaUtil.javafunctions().cassandraTable() method and have set
> "spark.cassandra.input.consistency.level"="ALL" on the config when creating
> the Spark context. The problem persists but according to
> using a consistency level of ONE on
> the write side (which we use) and ALL on the READ side should be sufficient
> for data consistency.
> I would really appreciate if someone could give me a hint how to fix this
> problem, thanks!
> Greets,
> Dennis
> P.s.:
> some information about our setup:
> Cassandra 2.1.12 in a two Node configuration with replication factor=2
> Spark 1.5.1
> Cassandra Java Driver 2.2.0-rc3
> Spark Cassandra Java Connector 2.10-1.5.0-M2


Alex Popescu | @al3xandru
Sen. Product Manager @ DataStax

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