Why don't you use server-side paging feature instead of messing with tokens


On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 7:36 AM, Priyanka Gugale <pri...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Cassandra 2.2.0 and cassandra driver 2.1.8. I am trying to scan
> a table as per suggestions given here
> <http://www.myhowto.org/bigdata/2013/11/04/scanning-the-entire-cassandra-column-family-with-cql/>,
>  On running the code to fetch records from table, it fetches different
> number of records on each run. Some times it reads all records from table,
>  and some times some records are missing. As I have observed there is no
> fixed pattern for missing records.
> I have tried to set consistency level to ALL while running select query
> still I couldn't fetch all records. Is there any known issue? Or am I
> suppose to do anything more than running simple "select" statement.
> Code snippet to fetch data:
>  SimpleStatement stmt = new SimpleStatement(query);
>  stmt.setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.ALL);
>  ResultSet result = session.execute(stmt);
>  if (!result.isExhausted()) {
>    for (Row row : result) {
>      process(row);
>    }
>  }
> Query is of the form: select * from %t where token(%p) > %s limit %l;
> where t=tablename, %p=primary key, %s=token value of primary key and
> l=limit
> I am testing on my local machine and has created a Keyspace with
> replication factor of 1. Also I don't see any errors in the logs.
> -Priyanka

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