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On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Alexander Orr <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if someone could help me, I'd like to use cassandra to store
> data and publish this on dowstream to another database (kdb if anyone is
> interested). Essentially I'd like to be able to run a function or operation
> on cassandra from an upstream process that would insert to table and
> publish the data on downstream.
> I can't see anything in the docs, but I'm relatively new to cassandra.
> Assuming there's not something simple already in place what would be the
> best way to impliment this kind of mechanism? I have some java that will
> allow me to talk to the db I want to, but I'm not sure of the  best way to
> integrate this with cassandra.
> UDFs seem to have ponential, but I don't think it's possible to use
> external libraries/classes within UDFs. All I can think of at the minute is
> either having a process which controls cassandra, publishes to it and also
> the downstream system directly or cloning the git repo and seeing if I can
> hack in some extra functionality.
> Any suggestions welcome.
> Thanks
> Alex

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