I tend to agree with Carlos. Having multiple row keys and parallelizing
your queries will tend to result in faster responses.  Keeping positions
relatively small will also help your cluster to manage your data more
efficiently also resulting in better performance.

One thing I would recommend is to denormalise your tables. Rather than
having an index table, just store a copy of your data. That way instead of
reading a bunch of indexes into a main table and then having to read each
record from the main table, you can just read the data you are after all at

This trades disk storage space for performance. So you will need to
calculate the benefit of speed vs the cost of additional storage.

On Apr 24, 2016 1:44 PM, "Carlos Alonso" <i...@mrcalonso.com> wrote:

> Hi Anuj,
> That's a very good question and I'd like to hear an answer from anyone who
> can give a detailed answer, but in the mean time I'll try to give my two
> cents.
> First of all I think I'd rather split all the values into different
> partition keys for two reasons:
> 1.- If you're sure you're accessing all data at the same time you'll be
> able to parallelize the queries by hitting more nodes on your cluster
> rather than creating a hotspot on the owner(s) of the data.
> 2.- It is a recommended good practice to keep partitions small enough.
> Check if your partition would fit in the good practice by applying the
> formulae from this video:
> https://academy.datastax.com/courses/ds220-data-modeling/physical-partition-size
> Cheers!
> Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso <https://twitter.com/calonso>
> On 23 April 2016 at 20:25, Anuj Wadehra <anujw_2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anyone take this question?
>> Thanks
>> Anuj
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
>> On Sat, 23 Apr, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Anuj Wadehra
>> <anujw_2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
>> I think I complicated the question..so I am trying to put the question
>> crisply..
>> We have a table defined with clustering key/column. We have  50000
>> different clustering key values.
>> If we want to fetch all 50000 rowd,Which query option would be faster and
>> why?
>> 1. Given a single primary key/partition key with 50000 clustering
>> keys..we will page through the single partition 500 records at a time.Thus,
>> we will do 50000/500=100 db hits but for same partition key.
>> 2. Given 100 different primary keys with each primary key having just 500
>> clustering key columns. Here also we will need 100 db hits but for
>> different partitions.
>> Basically I want to understand any optimizations built into CQL/Cassandra
>> which make paging through a single partition more efficient than querying
>> data from different partitions.
>> Thanks
>> Anuj
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
>> On Fri, 22 Apr, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Anuj Wadehra
>> <anujw_2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a wide row index table so that I can fetch all row keys
>> corresponding to a column value.
>> Row of index_table will look like:
>> ColValue1:bucket1 >> rowkey1, rowkey2.. rowkeyn
>> ......
>> ColValue1:bucketn>> rowkey1, rowkey2.. rowkeyn
>> We will have buckets to avoid hotspots. Row keys of main table are random
>> numbers and we will never do column slice like:
>> Select * from index_table where key=xxx and
>> Col > rowkey1 and col < rowkey10
>> Also, we will ALWAYS fetch all data for a given value of index column.
>> Thus all buckets havr to be read.
>> Each index column value can map to thousands-millions of row keys in main
>> table.
>> Based on our use case, there are two design choices in front of me:
>> 1. Have large number of buckets/rows for an index column value and have
>> lesser data ( around few thousands) in each row.
>> Thus, every time we want to fetch all row keys for an index col value, we
>> will query more rows and for each row we will have to page through data 500
>> records at a time.
>> 2. Have fewer buckets/rows for an index column value.
>> Every time we want to fetch all row keys for an index col value, we will
>> query data less numner of wider rows and then page through each wide row
>> reading 500 columns at a time.
>> Which approach is more efficient?
>>  Approach1: More number of rows with less data in each row.
>> OR
>> Approach 2: less number of  rows with more data in each row
>> Either ways,  we are fetching only 500 records at a time in a query. Even
>> in approach 2 (wider rows) , we can query only small data of 500 at a time.
>> Thanks
>> Anuj

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