On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 11:04 AM, Corry Opdenakker <co...@bestdata.be> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is it possible to execute queries towards an embedded cassandra db whyle
> bypassing completely the TCP (or IPC) protocol stack?

tl,dr: it is not for the faint of heart and you must understand *exactly*
what you are doing.

First I have to ask is there something specific that is not working the way
you anticipate?

Short answer is yes, though:

This was removed in > 2.1 because very few people were using it and it was
confusing to have there as an "example."

I would not call this embedded so much as running a "client-mode proxy" but
same idea.

Apparantly the embedded cassandra is by default accessed using localhost as
> hostname which will result in an IPC optimized connection I assume.

Not quite sure what you mean here?

> Is there a way to fully omit the Tcp/ipc stack and execute queries
> directly in-memory at the cassandra database? preferrably in a (query
> resultset -> to -> appcode) zero-copy approach.
Again, yes per the link above, but you would need to modify a few things
for recent versions. The general approach is there however. You could even
go a level below QueryProcessor and invoke methods on StorageProxy
directly, bypassing the parse/PS lookup.

That all said, you need to understand:
- These are all internal APIs and as such can and will change substantially
without warning even between point releases
- Understanding the internals to use them correctly at this level requires
a deep understanding of the code base
- You will be bypassing a substantial amount of validation and could easily
insert data that will corrupt your table
- You can potentially put a lot more pressure on portions of the system
that anticipate upstream throttling

In sum: it's possible, but put something in production first using standard
APIs before you go this deep. This is not the level at which you want to
write your first app against Cassandra.

Nate McCall
Austin, TX

Apache Cassandra Consulting

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