Found it!
ie how to convert or represent the C* uuid using Spark CQL.


So putting into the context

import uuid
 sparkSQLl ="SELECT distinct id, dept, workflow FROM samd WHERE 
 new_df = sqlContext.sql(sparkSQLl)
 results  =  new_df.collect()
 for row in results:
            print "dept=",row.dept
            print "wk=",row.workflow
The Python code above prints the following:
uuid= 9547v26c-f528-12e5-da8b-001a4q3dac10
From: Laing, Michael []
Sent: 24 May 2016 12:23
Subject: Re: UUID coming as int while using SPARK SQL

Yes - a UUID is just a 128 bit value. You can view it using any base or format.

If you are looking at the same row, you should see the same 128 bit value, 
otherwise my theory is incorrect :)


On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:57 AM, Rajesh Radhakrishnan 
Hi Michael,

Thank you for the quick reply.
So you are suggesting to convert this int value(UUID comes back as int via 
Spark SQL) to hex?

And selection is just a example to highlight the UUID convertion issue.
So in Cassandra it should be
SELECT id, workflow FROM sam WHERE dept='blah';

And in Spark with Python:
SELECT distinct id, dept, workflow FROM samd WHERE dept='blah';

Rajesh R

From: Laing, Michael 
Sent: 24 May 2016 11:40
Subject: Re: UUID coming as int while using SPARK SQL

Try converting that int from decimal to hex and inserting dashes in the 
appropriate spots - or go the other way.

Also, you are looking at different rows, based upon your selection criteria...


On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:23 AM, Rajesh Radhakrishnan 

I got a Cassandra keyspace, but while reading the data(especially UUID) via 
Spark SQL using Python is not returning the correct value.

My table 'SAM'' is described below:

CREATE table ks.sam (id uuid, dept text, workflow text, type double primary  
key (id, dept))

SELECT id, workflow FROM sam WHERE dept='blah';

The above example  CQL gives me the following
id                                   | workflow
 9547v26c-f528-12e5-da8b-001a4q3dac10 |       testWK

from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
import pyspark_cassandra
from pyspark_cassandra import CassandraSparkContext

conf = 
sparkContext = CassandraSparkContext(conf = conf)
sqlContext = SQLContext(sparkContext)

samTable =sparkContext.cassandraTable("ks", "sam").select('id', 


 sparkSQLl ="SELECT distinct id, dept, workflow FROM samd WHERE 
 new_df = sqlContext.sql(sparkSQLl)
 results  =  new_df.collect()
 for row in results:
            print "dept=",row.dept
            print "wk=",row.workflow
The Python code above prints the following:

You can see here that the id (uuid) whose correct value at Cassandra is ' 
9547v26c-f528-12e5-da8b-001a4q3dac10'  but via Spark I am getting an int 
What I am doing wrong here? How to get the correct UUID value from Cassandra 
via Spark/Python ? Please help me.

Thank you
Rajesh R

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