Awfully sorry, here is the correct URI to the blog post:


On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Manuel Kiessling <>

> Hi all,
> I'm currently in the process of understanding the inner workings of
> Cassandra with regards to network and local storage mechanisms and
> operations. In order to do so, I've written a blog post about it which is
> now in a "first final" version.
> Any feedback, especially corrections regarding misunderstandings on my
> side, would be highly appreciated. The post really represents my very
> subjective view on how Cassandra works under the hood, which makes it prone
> to errors of course.
> You can access the current version at
> http://localhost:4000/tutorials/2016/02/29/cassandra-inner-workings-and-how-this-relates-to-performance/
> Thanks,
> --
>  Manuel


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