the number of keys are the number of *partition keys, *not row keys. You
have ~39434 partitions, ranging from 311 bytes to 386mb. Looks like you
have some wide partitions that contain many of your rows.

Chris Lohfink

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Luke Jolly <> wrote:

> I have a table that I'm storing ad impression data in with every row being
> an impression.  I want to get a count of total rows / impressions.  I know
> that there is in the ball park of 200-400 million rows in this table and
> from my reading "Number of keys" in the output of cfstats should be a
> reasonably accurate estimate. However, it is 39434. Am I misunderstanding
> something? Every node in my cluster has a complete copy of the keyspace.
>               Table: impressions_2
>               SSTable count: 22
>               Space used (live): 51255709817
>               Space used (total): 51255709817
>               Space used by snapshots (total): 49415721741
>               Off heap memory used (total): 30824975
>               SSTable Compression Ratio: 0.20347134631246266
>               Number of keys (estimate): 39434
>               Memtable cell count: 18279
>               Memtable data size: 15897457
>               Memtable off heap memory used: 0
>               Memtable switch count: 1294
>               Local read count: 347016
>               Local read latency: 12.573 ms
>               Local write count: 109226238
>               Local write latency: 0.023 ms
>               Pending flushes: 0
>               Bloom filter false positives: 655
>               Bloom filter false ratio: 0.00000
>               Bloom filter space used: 97552
>               Bloom filter off heap memory used: 97376
>               Index summary off heap memory used: 26719
>               Compression metadata off heap memory used: 30700880
>               Compacted partition minimum bytes: 311
>               Compacted partition maximum bytes: 386857368
>               Compacted partition mean bytes: 6424107
>               Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): 
> 1027.9502011434631
>               Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 5722
>               Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 1.0
>               Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 1

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