
My cluster use LeveledCompactionStrategy on rather big nodes (9 TB disk per
node with a target of 6 TB of data and the 3 remaining TB are reserved for
compaction and snapshots). There is only one table for this application.

With default sstable_size_in_mb at 160 MB, we have a huge number of
sstables (25,000+ for 4TB already loaded) which lead to IO errors due to
open files limit (set at 100,000).

Increasing the open files limit can be a solution but at this level, I
would rather increase sstable_size to 500 MB which would keep the file
number around 100,000.

Could increasing sstable size lead to any problem I don't see ?
Do you have any advice about this ?

Thank you.

Jérôme Mainaud

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