The datastax docs to which you link are specifically for bootstrapping multiple 
nodes at the same time (which can, theoretically, violate consistency 
guarantees you may have thought you had in some cases).


If you bootstrapped a node, waited for it to complete, and then bootstrapped 
another, and all show up in `nodetool status`, then you’re probably in good 
shape. You can be extra sure by using `nodetool repair` to ensure that each 
‘UP’ node has all of the data it’s meant to have. 


-          Jeff


From: Dillon Peng <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 8:38 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: what's next after adding 3 new nodes not as the steps of “Starting 
multiple new nodes”?


hi, all 


I added 3 new nodes into my old cassandra cluster, every time I waited 
bootstrap on one node to complete before running bootstrap on another one, and 
now, I get the normal status when running nodetool status, and I can execute 
insert and select operations.

But when I read Starting multiple new nodes of Adding nodes to an existing 
cluster again carefully, I found my steps were wrong, what's next should I do? 
How to make sure my cluster ok? Any advice will be appreciated!


Dillon Peng

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