Thanks, Romain for the detailed explanation. We use log4j 2 and i have
added the driver logging for slow/error queries, will see if it helps to
provide any pattern once in Prod.

I tried getendpoints and getsstables for some of the timed out keys and
most of them listed only 1 SSTable .There were a few which showed 2
SSTables. There is no specific trend on the keys, it's completely based on
the user access, and the same keys return results instantly from cqlsh

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Romain Hardouin <> wrote:

> There is nothing special in the two sstablemetadata outuputs but if the
> timeouts are due to a network split or overwhelmed node or something like
> that you won't see anything here. That said, if you have the keys which
> produced the timeouts then, yes, you can look for a regular pattern (i.e.
> always the same keys?).
> You can find sstables for a given key with nodetool:
>     nodetool getendpoints <keyspace> <cf> <key>
> Then you can run the following command on one/each node of the enpoints:
>     nodetool getsstables <keyspace> <cf> <key>
> If many sstables are shown in the previous command it means that your data
> is fragmented but thanks to LCS this number should be low.
> I think the most usefull actions now would be:
> * 1) *Enable DEBUG for o.a.c.db.ConsistencyLevel, it won't spam your log
> file, you will see the following when errors will occur:
>     - Local replicas [<endpoint1>, ...] are insufficient to satisfy
> LOCAL_QUORUM requirement of X live nodes in '<dc>'
>     You are using C* 2.1 but you can have a look at the C* 2.2
> logback.xml:
> cassandra-2.2/conf/logback.xml
>     I'm using it on production, it's better because it creates a separate
> debug.log file with a asynchronous appender.
>    Watch out when enabling:
>     <appender-ref ref="ASYNCDEBUGLOG" />
>    Because the default logback configuration set all o.a.c in DEBUG:
>         <logger name="org.apache.cassandra" level="DEBUG"/>
>    Instead you can set:
>    <logger name="org.apache.cassandra" level="INFO"/>
>    <logger name="org.apache.cassandra.db.ConsistencyLevel" level="DEBUG"/>
>     Also, if you want to restrict debug.log to DEBUG level only (instead
> of DEBUG+INFO+...) you can add a LevelFilter to ASYNCDEBUGLOG in
> logback.xml:
>         <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
>       <level>DEBUG</level>
>       <onMatch>ACCEPT</onMatch>
>       <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch>
>     </filter>
>   Thus, the debug.log file will be empty unless some Consistency issues
> happen.
> * 2) *Enable slow queries log at the driver level with a QueryLogger:
>    Cluster cluster = ...
>    // log queries longer than 1 second, see also withDynamicThreshold
>    QueryLogger queryLogger = QueryLogger.builder(cluster).
> withConstantThreshold(1000).build();
>    cluster.register(queryLogger);
>     Then in your driver logback file:
>         <logger name="com.datastax.driver.core.QueryLogger.SLOW"
> level="DEBUG" />
>  *3) *And/or: you mentioned that you use DSE so you can enable slow
> queries logging in dse.yaml (cql_slow_log_options)
> Best,
> Romain
> Le Lundi 5 septembre 2016 20h05, Joseph Tech <> a
> écrit :
> Attached are the sstablemeta outputs from 2 SSTables of size 28 MB and 52
> MB (out2). The records are inserted with different TTLs based on their
> nature ; test records with 1 day, typeA records with 6 months, typeB
> records with 1 year etc. There are also explicit DELETEs from this table,
> though it's much lower than the rate of inserts.
> I am not sure how to interpret this output, or if it's the right SSTables
> that were picked. Please advise. Is there a way to get the sstables
> corresponding to the keys that timed out, though they are accessible later.
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 10:58 PM, Anshu Vajpayee <>
> wrote:
> We have seen read time out issue in cassandra due to high droppable
> tombstone ratio for repository.
> Please check for high droppable tombstone ratio for your repo.
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 8:11 PM, Romain Hardouin <>
> wrote:
> Yes dclocal_read_repair_chance will reduce the cross-DC traffic and
> latency, so you can swap the values (
> ra/browse/CASSANDRA-7320
> <> ). I guess the
> sstable_size_in_mb was set to 50 because back in the day (C* 1.0) the
> default size was way too small: 5 MB. So maybe someone in your company
> tried "10 * the default" i.e. 50 MB. Now the default is 160 MB. I don't say
> to change the value but just keep in mind that you're using a small value
> here, it could help you someday.
> Regarding the cells, the histograms shows an *estimation* of the min, p50,
> ..., p99, max of cells based on SSTables metadata. On your screenshot, the
> Max is 4768. So you have a partition key with ~ 4768 cells. The p99 is
> 1109, so 99% of your partition keys have less than (or equal to) 1109
> cells.
> You can see these data of a given sstable with the tool sstablemetadata.
> Best,
> Romain
> Le Lundi 5 septembre 2016 15h17, Joseph Tech <> a
> écrit :
> Thanks, Romain . We will try to enable the DEBUG logging (assuming it
> won't clog the logs much) . Regarding the table configs, read_repair_chance
> must be carried over from older versions - mostly defaults. I think 
> sstable_size_in_mb
> was set to limit the max SSTable size, though i am not sure on the reason
> for the 50 MB value.
> Does setting dclocal_read_repair_chance help in reducing cross-DC traffic
> (haven't looked into this parameter, just going by the name).
> By the cell count definition : is it incremented based on the number of
> writes for a given name(key?) and value. This table is heavy on reads and
> writes. If so, the value should be much higher?
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Romain Hardouin <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Try to put org.apache.cassandra.db. ConsistencyLevel at DEBUG level, it
> could help to find a regular pattern. By the way, I see that you have set a
> global read repair chance:
>     read_repair_chance = 0.1
> And not the local read repair:
>     dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0
> Is there any reason to do that or is it just the old (pre 2.0.9) default
> configuration?
> The cell count is the number of triplets: (name, value, timestamp)
> Also, I see that you have set sstable_size_in_mb at 50 MB. What is the
> rational behind this? (Yes I'm curious :-) ). Anyway your "SSTables per
> read" are good.
> Best,
> Romain
> Le Lundi 5 septembre 2016 13h32, Joseph Tech <> a
> écrit :
> Hi Ryan,
> Attached are the cfhistograms run within few mins of each other. On the
> surface, don't see anything which indicates too much skewing (assuming
> skewing ==keys spread across many SSTables) . Please confirm. Related to
> this, what does the "cell count" metric indicate ; didn't find a clear
> explanation in the documents.
> Thanks,
> Joseph
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 6:30 PM, Ryan Svihla <> wrote:
> Have you looked at cfhistograms/tablehistograms your data maybe just
> skewed (most likely explanation is probably the correct one here)
> Regard,
> Ryan Svihla
> _____________________________
> From: Joseph Tech <>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Read timeouts on primary key queries
> To: <>
> Patrick,
> The desc table is below (only col names changed) :
> CREATE TABLE db.tbl (
>     id1 text,
>     id2 text,
>     id3 text,
>     id4 text,
>     f1 text,
>     f2 map<text, text>,
>     f3 map<text, text>,
>     created timestamp,
>     updated timestamp,
>     PRIMARY KEY (id1, id2, id3, id4)
>     AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
>     AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}'
>     AND comment = ''
>     AND compaction = {'sstable_size_in_mb': '50', 'class':
> 'org.apache.cassandra.db. compaction. LeveledCompactionStrategy'}
>     AND compression = {'sstable_compression': '
> compress.LZ4Compressor'}
>     AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0
>     AND default_time_to_live = 0
>     AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
>     AND max_index_interval = 2048
>     AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
>     AND min_index_interval = 128
>     AND read_repair_chance = 0.1
>     AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';
> and the query is select * from tbl where id1=? and id2=? and id3=? and
> id4=?
> The timeouts happen within ~2s to ~5s, while the successful calls have avg
> of 8ms and p99 of 15s. These times are seen from app side, the actual query
> times would be slightly lower.
> Is there a way to capture traces only when queries take longer than a
> specified duration? . We can't enable tracing in production given the
> volume of traffic. We see that the same query which timed out works fine
> later, so not sure if the trace of a successful run would help.
> Thanks,
> Joseph
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 8:05 PM, Patrick McFadin <>
> wrote:
> If you are getting a timeout on one table, then a mismatch of RF and node
> count doesn't seem as likely.
> Time to look at your query. You said it was a 'select * from table where
> key=?' type query. I would next use the trace facility in cqlsh to
> investigate further. That's a good way to find hard to find issues. You
> should be looking for clear ledge where you go from single digit ms to 4 or
> 5 digit ms times.
> The other place to look is your data model for that table if you want to
> post the output from a desc table.
> Patrick
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Joseph Tech <>
> wrote:
> On further analysis, this issue happens only on 1 table in the KS which
> has the max reads.
> @Atul, I will look at system health, but didnt see anything standing out
> from GC logs. (using JDK 1.8_92 with G1GC).
> @Patrick , could you please elaborate the "mismatch on node count + RF"
> part.
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Atul Saroha <>
> wrote:
> There could be many reasons for this if it is intermittent. CPU usage +
> I/O wait status. As read are I/O intensive, your IOPS requirement should be
> met that time load. Heap issue if CPU is busy for GC only. Network health
> could be the reason. So better to look system health during that time when
> it comes.
> ------------------------------ ------------------------------
> ------------------------------ ---------------------------
> Atul Saroha
> *Lead Software Engineer*
> *M*: +91 8447784271 *T*: +91 124-415-6069 *EXT*: 12369
> Plot # 362, ASF Centre - Tower A, Udyog Vihar,
>  Phase -4, Sector 18, Gurgaon, Haryana 122016, INDIA
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Joseph Tech <>
> wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> The nodetool status shows all nodes up and normal now. From OpsCenter
> "Event Log" , there are some nodes reported as being down/up etc. during
> the timeframe of timeout, but these are Search workload nodes from the
> remote (non-local) DC. The RF is 3 and there are 9 nodes per DC.
> Thanks,
> Joseph
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Patrick McFadin <>
> wrote:
> You aren't achieving quorum on your reads as the error is explains. That
> means you either have some nodes down or your topology is not matching up.
> The fact you are using LOCAL_QUORUM might point to a datacenter mis-match
> on node count + RF.
> What does your nodetool status look like?
> Patrick
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Joseph Tech <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> We recently started getting intermittent timeouts on primary key queries
> (select * from table where key=<key>)
> The error is : com.datastax.driver.core.excep tions.ReadTimeoutException:
> Cassandra timeout during read query at consistency LOCAL_QUORUM (2
> responses were required but only 1 replica
> a responded)
> The same query would work fine when tried directly from cqlsh. There are
> no indications in system.log for the table in question, though there were
> compactions in progress for tables in another keyspace which is more
> frequently accessed.
> My understanding is that the chances of primary key queries timing out is
> very minimal. Please share the possible reasons / ways to debug this issue.
> We are using Cassandra 2.1 (DSE 4.8.7).
> Thanks,
> Joseph
> --
> *Regards,*
> *Anshu *

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