Hi, All,

We use Cassandra 2.1.11 in our product and I tried its sstable2json to dump 
some sstable file like this:

sstable2json full-path-to-sstable-file (e.g. xxx-Data.db).

But I got an assert error at  "assert initialized || 
keyspaceName.equals(SYSTEM_KS);" (Keyspace.java:97).

The 'keyspaceName' is our keyspace, but the SYSTEM_KS is "system" (defined 
inside Keyspace class).

This error is related to the following statement in SSTableExport.java:

        Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.open(descriptor.ksname); ( 

Adding "Keyspace.setInitialized()" before this statement solves the issue.

Is it a bug of Cassandra 2.1.11 or I misused this command?



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