
I'm designing some tables, where data needs to be stored in the following

Organization -> Team -> Project -> Issues

I need to be able to retrieve issues:

- For the whole org - using org id
- For a team (org id + team id)
- For a project (org id + team id + project id)
- If possible, by using just the issue id

I'm considering using all 4 ids as the primary key. The first 3 will use
UUIDs, except issue id which will be an alphanumeric string, unique per

1) Will this setup allow using all 4 query scenarios?
2) Will this make the primary key really long, 3 UUIDs + similar length'd
issue id?
3) Will this store issues as skinny rows, or wide rows? If an org has a lot
of teams, which have a lot of projects, which have a lot of issues, etc,
could I have issues w/ running out of the column limit of wide rows?
4) Is there a better way of achieving this scenario?

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