Thanks for the details.

I don't know what happened on that node. It's a long time ago I think. I
wasn't aware of it earlier.

Will a node in hibernating state that failed joining and subsequently was
discarded get removed from gossip at some point?

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:23 PM, Joel Knighton <>

> 1. A hibernating node is participating in gossip but intentionally hasn't
> yet joined the ring. The two cases where a node would set a hibernating
> status are when the node was started with "-Dcassandra.join_ring=False" and
> has tokens or when the node was started to replace another node (using
> "-Dcassandra.replace_address" or "-Dcassandra.replace_address_
> first_boot").
> 2. A rolling restart is probably your best bet. You may have more luck
> with an assassinate in the case that you connect to a node that is not
> continuously removing/adding the state. I suspect that this node will have
> an alive status for this endpoint state. As usual, you should wield
> assassinate with lots of caution.
> This issue sounds most similar to CASSANDRA-10371. If you provide
> debugging information similar to that requested on the above ticket as well
> as what operation you were performing on the node (was it a failed attempt
> at replacing? etc) on a JIRA ticket, someone might have a chance to look
> into this further.
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Kasper Petersen <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've recently upgraded our Cassandra cluster from 2.1 to 3.9. By
>> default(?) 3.9 creates a debug.log file containing a ton of lines (a new
>> one every second) with:
>> DEBUG [GossipTasks:1] 2016-10-12 14:43:38,761 -
>>> Convicting / with status hibernate - alive false
>> That node has not been around for a very long time now.
>> It does not show up in nodetool status and nodetool gossipinfo returns
>> the following output about that node:
>> /
>>>   generation:1433571405
>>>   heartbeat:232
>>>   STATUS:3:hibernate,true
>>>   LOAD:225:96445.0
>>>   SCHEMA:53:e2d1a288-581c-3f35-b492-1b9d5a803631
>>>   DC:9:us-east
>>>   RACK:11:1b
>>>   RELEASE_VERSION:7:2.1.5
>>>   RPC_ADDRESS:6:
>>>   SEVERITY:231:0.2512562870979309
>>>   NET_VERSION:4:8
>>>   HOST_ID:5:7988d3c9-dec8-4b71-b5a9-0b962aad0680
>>>   TOKENS:2:<hidden>
>> nodetool removenode 7988d3c9-dec8-4b71-b5a9-0b962aad0680 resulted in:
>> error: Host ID not found.
>> Now my questions are:
>>    1. What does it mean for a node to be "hibernating"? How does it end
>>    up in that state?
>>    2. How do I get rid of it? Its not coming back.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Kasper Middelboe Petersen
>> *Lead Backend Developer*
>> *SYBO Games ApS*
>> Jorcks Passage 1A, 4th.
>> 1162 Copenhagen K

Best regards,
Kasper Middelboe Petersen

*Lead Backend Developer*

*SYBO Games ApS*
Jorcks Passage 1A, 4th.
1162 Copenhagen K

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