
>1. No native snitch

It's not great problem. GossipPropertyFileSnitch is good enough.

>2. No concept of availability zones.

Azure does have such concept - Availability Set. It provides three fault domain 
(availability zone in Amazon terms) and 20 updates domains.

>4. Even running SSDs will give you poor performance.

It depends on disk size. 1T SSD provides 5000 IOPS.

So in short:

Amazon - provides data at rest encryption, flexible EBS storage (or local 
disks), availability zones.

Azure - provides data at rest encryption, less flexible storage (or local 
disks), availability zones.

SoftLayer - no data encryption, but they have unique feature - connectivity 
between different data centers (they call this VLAN spanning) without need in 
VPN or other tunneling. They don't have explicit AV zones, but you can put 
nodes in different DC in the same region (some locations) with relative low 
latency 1-1.5 ms. or purchase another VLAN in different pod for $25 per month 
in the same DC.

We provide Cassandra cluster on all provider in many worldwide locations.

Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin, 

Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra
Launch your cluster in minutes.

---- On Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:10:06 -0400Oskar Kjellin 
<oskar.kjel...@gmail.com> wrote ----

So I've run Cassandra on both Aws and azure. I would strongly suggest that if 
you have the option, run as far away from azure as you can. 

Here's a list of issues I have running Cassandra on azure: 

1. No native snitch 

2. No concept of availability zones. This makes it impossible for Cassandra to 
put replicas in different AZs. This will hurt your uptime and might incur loss 
of data. (They have something called a fault domain tho) 

3. The disks have iops that land in the floppy disk range 

4. Even running SSDs will give you poor performance. 

5. Beware of the global storage account limit. This makes scaling out hurt 
performance if you put them on the same storage account. Which if your using 
images is your only choice. 

Sent from my iPhone 

> On 4 nov. 2016, at 00:22, cass savy <casss...@gmail.com> wrote: 


> I would like to hear from the community on their experiences or lesson 
learnt on hosting Cassandra in cloud platforms like 


> 1. Google Cloud Platform 

> 2. AWS 

> 3. Azure 


> 1. Which cloud hosting is better and Why? 

> 2. What differences of C* over vendor provided NoSQL DB like (Bigtable, 
Dynamo,Azure Document DB) 

> 3. AWS is more mature in his offerings and Azure is getting there or its 
there already based on what I have been investigating so far? 


> 4. What is drive to pick one vs another -Is it cost, infrastructure, 
hardware SKU, availability, scalability, performance,ease of deployment and 


> Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions if somebody has done a 
deep dive into these 3 cloud platforms for C*. 



> We use datastax cassandra and exploring new usecases in AWS and also 
evaluating or POC it in Azure/GCP 


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