Hi Lahiru,

Thank you for the reply. I will try reducing the batch size to 20 and see how 
much memory usage I can reduce.

I might try Spark streaming too. Cheers!

Kind regards,
Rajesh R

From: Lahiru Gamathige [lah...@highfive.com]
Sent: 07 November 2016 17:10
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Cassandra Python Driver : execute_async consumes lots of memory?

Hi Rajesh,

By looking at your code I see that the memory would definitely grow because you 
write big batches async and you will end up large number of batch statements 
and the all end up slowing down. We recently migrated some data to C* and what 
we did was we created a data stream and wrote in batches and used a library 
which is sensitive to back-pressure of the stream. In your implementation 
there's is no back-pressure to control it. We migrated data pretty fast by 
keeping the CPU 100% constantly and achieve the highest performance (used Scala 
with akka-streams and phantom-websudo).

I would consider using some streaming API to implement this. When you do 
batching make sure you don't exceed the max match size, then things will slow 
down anyways.


On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Rajesh Radhakrishnan 

We are trying to inject millions to data into a table by executing Batches of 

We found that when we use 'session.execute(batch)', it write more data but very 
very slow.
However if we use  'session.execute_async(batch)' then its relatively fast but 
when it reaches certain limit, its fillup the memory (python process)

Our implementation:
Cassandra 3.7.0 cluster  ring with 3 nodes (RedHat, 150GB Disk, 8GB of RAM each)

Python 2.7.12

Anybody know how to reduce the memory use of Cassandra-python driver API 
specifically for execute_async? Thank you!

===CODE ======================================
      sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO tableV  (id, sample_name, pos, ref_base, 
var_base) values (?,?,?,?,?)"
       random_numbers_for_strains = random.sample(xrange(1,300), 200)
        random_numbers = random.sample(xrange(1,2000000), 200000)

        totalCounter  = 0
        c = 0
        time_init = time.time()
        for random_number_strain in random_numbers_for_strains:

            sample_name = None
            sample_name = 'sample'+str(random_number_strain)

            cassandraCluster = CassandraCluster.CassandraCluster()
            cluster = cassandraCluster.create_cluster_with_protocol2()
            session = cluster.connect();
            #session.default_timeout = 1800

            preparedStatement = session.prepare(sqlQuery)

            counter = 0
            c = c + 1

            for random_number in random_numbers:

                totalCounter += 1
                if counter == 0 :
                    batch = BatchStatement()

                counter += 1
                if totalCounter % 10000 == 0 :
                    print "Total Count "+ str(totalCounter)

                batch.add(preparedStatement.bind([ uuid.uuid1(), sample_name, 
random_number, random.choice('GT'), random.choice('AC')]))
                if counter % 50 == 0:
                    batch = None
                    del batch
                    counter = 0

            random_number= None
            del random_number
            preparedStatement = None
            session = None
            del session
            cluster = None
            del cluster
            cassandraCluster = None
            del cassandraCluster

===CODE ======================================

Kind regards,
Rajesh Radhakrishnan

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