Arc means Automatic Reference counting which is done at compilen time. Eg
Objektive c and Swift use this technique. There are absolutely No gc's. Its
a completely different memory Management technique.

Why i dont like Java on Server side? Because gc is a pain in the ass. I am
doing this Business since over 15 years and running/maintaining Apps that
are build in c or c++ has never been such a pain.

On the other Hand Java is easier to handle for Developers. And coding plain
c is also a pain.

Thats why i Said its a philosophic discussion.
Anyway Cassandra rund on Java so We have to Deal with it.

Am 27.11.2016 05:28 schrieb "Kant Kodali" <>:

> Benjamin Roth: How do you know Arc eliminates GC pauses completely? By
> completely I mean no GC pauses whatsoever.
> When you say Java is NOT the First choice for Server Applications you are
> generalizing it too much I would say since many of them fall under that
> category. Either way the statement you made is purely subjective.
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 2:41 PM, Benjamin Roth <>
> wrote:
>> Lol. The counter proof is to use another memory Model like Arc. Thats why
>> i personally think Java is NOT the First choice for Server Applications.
>> But thats a philosophic discussion.
>> Am 25.11.2016 23:38 schrieb "Kant Kodali" <>:
>>> +1 Chris Lohfink response
>>> I would also restate the following sentence "java GC pauses are pretty
>>> much a fact of life" to "Any GC based system pauses are pretty much a
>>> fact of life".
>>> I would be more than happy to see if someone can counter prove.
>>> On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 1:41 PM, Chris Lohfink <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> No tuning will eliminate gcs.
>>>> 20-30 seconds is horrific and out of the ordinary. Most likely
>>>> implementing antipatterns and/or poorly configured. Sub 1s is realistic but
>>>> with some workloads still may require some tuning to maintain. Some
>>>> workloads are very unfriendly to GCs though (ie heavy tombstones, very wide
>>>> partitions).
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 3:25 PM, S Ahmed <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> From what I understand java GC pauses are pretty much a fact of life,
>>>>> but you can tune the jvm to reduce the likelihood of the frequency and
>>>>> length of GC pauses.
>>>>> When using Cassandra, how frequent or long have these pauses known to
>>>>> be?  Even with tuning, is it safe to assume they cannot be eliminated?
>>>>> Would a 20-30 second pause be something out of the ordinary?
>>>>> Thanks.

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