Thanks for the NTP link. Most of us are Cassandra users and must be using NTP 
(or other time synchronization methods) for ensuring relative time 
synchronization in our Cassandra clusters. I hope there are people on the 
mailing list who can answer these questions with respect to Cassandra. 
There is just one detailed blog on NTP best practices for Cassandra and I think 
answering these questions is important rather than just creating an internal 
NTP pool with recommended settings.

  On Wed, 14 Dec, 2016 at 12:07 AM, Jim Witschey<> 
wrote:   You might find more NTP experts on the NTP questions mailing list:

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Anuj Wadehra <> wrote:
> Any NTP experts willing to take up these questions?
> Thanks
> Anuj
> On Sun, 27 Nov, 2016 at 12:52 AM, Anuj Wadehra
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> One popular NTP setup recommended for Cassandra users is described at
> Thanks
> .
> Summary of article is:
> Setup recommends a dedicated pool of internal NTP servers which are
> associated as peers to provide a HA NTP service. Cassandra nodes sync to
> this dedicated pool but define one internal NTP server as preferred server
> to ensure relative clock synchronization. Internal NTP servers sync to
> external NTP servers.
> My questions:
> 1. If my ISP provider is providing me a pool of reliable NTP servers, should
> I setup my own internal servers anyway or can I sync Cassandra nodes
> directly to the ISP provided servers and select one of the servers as
> preferred for relative clock synchronization?
> I agree. If you have to rely on public NTP pool which selects random servers
> for sync, having an internal NTP server pool is justified for getting tight
> relative sync as described in the blog
> 2. As per my understanding, peer association is ONLY for backup scenario .
> If a peer loses time synchronization source, then other peers can be used
> for time synchronization. Thus providing a HA service. But when everything
> is ok (happy path), does defining NTP servers synced from different sources
> as peers lead them to converge time as mentioned in some forums?
> e.g. if A and B are peers and thier times are 9:00:00 and 9:00:10 after
> syncing with respective time sources, then will they converge their clocks
> as 9:00:05?
> I doubt the above claim regarding time converge. Also no formal doc says
> that. Comments?
> Thanks
> Anuj

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