Sorry for the delay, I created a ticket with steps to reproduce the issue: 

    Le Jeudi 2 février 2017 16h53, Micha <mich...@fantasymail.de> a écrit :


it's a 3.9, installed on a jessie system.

For me it's like this:
I have a three node cluster.
When creating the keyspace with replication factor 3 it works.
When creating the keyspace with replication factor 2 it doesn't work and
shows the weird behavior.

This is a fresh install, I also have tried it multiple times and the
result is the same. As SASI indices work, I use those.
But I would like to solve this.


On 02.02.2017 15:06, Romain Hardouin wrote:
> Hi,
> What's your C* 3.X version?
> I've just tested it on 3.9 and it works:
> cqlsh> SELECT * FROM test.idx_static where id2=22;
>  id  | added                          | id2 | source | dest
> -----+---------------------------------+-----+--------+------
>  id1 | 2017-01-27 23:00:00.000000+0000 |  22 |  src1 | dst1
> (1 rows)
> Maybe your dataset is incorrect (try on a new table) or you hit a bug.
> Best,
> Romain
> Le Vendredi 27 janvier 2017 9h44, Micha <mich...@fantasymail.de> a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm quite new to cassandra and allthough there is much info on the net,
> sometimes I cannot find the solution to a problem.
> In this case, I have a second index on a static column and I don't
> understand the answer I get from my select.
> A cut down version of the table is:
> create table demo (id text, id2 bigint static, added timestamp, source
> text static, dest text, primary key (id, added));
> create index on demo (id2);
> id and id2 match one to one.
> I make one insert:
> insert into demo (id, id2, added, source, dest) values ('id1', 22,
> '2017-01-28', 'src1', 'dst1');
> The "select from demo;" gives the expected answer of the one inserted row.
> But "select from demo where id2=22" gives 70 rows as result (all the same).
> Why? I have read
> https://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cassandra-native-secondary-index-deep-dive
> but I don't get it...
> thanks for answering,
> Michael


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