
I'm going to try to update the DataStax's Java Driver version from 2.1.8 to
First I ran the test program and measured the time with both drivers v2.1.8
and v3.1.3.

The test program is simply Build a Cluster and connect to it and execute a
simple select statement, and close the Cluster.

The read performance was almost the same for both version (around 20ms),
However, the performance of connecting to the cluster, and closing the
cluster were significant different.

The test environment is as following:
- EC2 instance: m4.large(2vCPU, 8GB Memory), 1 node
- java1.8
- Cassandra v2.2.8

Here is the result of the test. I ran the test program for several times
but the result almost the same as this result.

| Method               | Time in sec (v2.1.8/v3.1.3)|
| Cluster#connect |                       1.178/2.468 |
| Cluster#close     |                       0.022/2.240 |

With v3.1.3 driver, Cluster#connect() performance degraded about 1/2 and
Cluster#close() degraded 1/100.  I want to know what is the cause of this
performance degradations. Could someone advice me?

The Snippet of the test program is as following.
Cluster cluster = Cluster
    .withCredentials(USER, PASS)
    // .withLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new
DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(DC_NAME))) // for driver 2.1.8
TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy.builder().build())) // for driver

Session session = cluster.connect();
ResultSet rs = session.execute("select * from system.local;");



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