
I think Jeff pointed out an important fact: You cannot stop CS, swap
binaries and start Scylla. To be honest that was AFAIR the only "Oooh :(" I
had when reading the Scylla "marketing material".

If that worked it would be very valuable from both Scylla's and a users'
point of view. As a user I would love to give scylla a try as soon as it
provides all the features my application requires. But the hurdle is quite
high. I have to create a separate scylla cluster and I have to migrate a
lot of data and I have to manage somehow that my application can use (r+w)
both CS + Scylla at the same time to not run any risk of data loss or dead
end road if something goes wrong. And still: I would not be able to compare
CS + Scylla for my workload totally fair as the conditions changed. New
hardware, maybe partial dataset, probably only "test traffic".

However, if I was able to just replace a single node in an existing cluster
I'd have:
1. Superlow hurdle to give it a try: No risk, no effort
2. Fair comparison by comparing new node against some equally equipeed old
node in the same cluster with the same workload
3. Easy to make a decision if to continue or not

That would be totally awesome!

2017-03-12 23:16 GMT+01:00 Kant Kodali <k...@peernova.com>:

> I don't think ScyallDB guys started this conversation in the first place
> to suggest or promote "drop-in replacement". It was something that is
> brought up by one of the Cassandra users and ScyallDB guys just clarified
> it. They are gracious enough to share the internals in detail.
> honestly, I find it weird when I see questions like whether a question
> belongs  to a mailing list or not especially in this case. If one doesn't
> like it they can simply not follow the thread. I am not sure what is the
> harm here.
> On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 2:29 PM, James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com>
> wrote:
>> Well, looking back, it appears this thread is from 2015, so apparently
>> everyone is okay with it.
>> Promoting a value-add product that makes using Cassandra easier/more
>> efficient/etc would be cool, but coming to the Cassandra mailing list to
>> promote a "drop-in replacement" (use us, not Cassandra) isn't cool, IMHO.
>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 5:04 PM Kant Kodali <k...@peernova.com> wrote:
>> yes.
>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 2:01 PM, James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com
>> > wrote:
>> Does all of this Scylla talk really even belong on the Cassandra user
>> mailing list in the first place?
>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 4:07 PM Jeff Jirsa <jji...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 2017-03-11 22:33 (-0700), Dor Laor <d...@scylladb.com> wrote:
>> > On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 10:02 PM, Jeff Jirsa <jji...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > On 2017-03-10 09:57 (-0800), Rakesh Kumar wrote:
>> > > > Cassanda vs Scylla is a valid comparison because they both are
>> > > compatible. Scylla is a drop-in replacement for Cassandra.
>> > >
>> > > No, they aren't, and no, it isn't
>> > >
>> >
>> > Jeff is angry with us for some reason. I don't know why, it's natural
>> that
>> > when  a new opponent there are objections and the proof lies on us.
>> I'm not angry. When I'm angry I send emails with paragraphs of
>> expletives. It doesn't happen very often.
>> This is an open source ASF project, it's not about fighting for market
>> share against startups who find it necessary to inflate their level of
>> compatibility to sell support contracts, it's about providing software that
>> people can use (with a license that makes it easy to use). I don't work for
>> a company that makes money selling Cassandra based solutions and you're not
>> an opponent.
>> >
>> > Scylla IS a drop in replacement for C*. We support the same CQL (from
>> > version 1.7 it's cql 3.3.1, protocol v4), the same SStable format
>> (based on
>> > 2.1.8).
>> Scylla doesn't even run on all of the supported operating systems, let
>> alone have feature parity or network level compatibility (which you'd
>> probably need if you REALLY want to be drop-in
>> stop-one-cassandra-node-swap-binaries-start-it-up compatible, which is
>> what your site used to claim, but obviously isn't supported). You support a
>> subset of one query language and can read and write one sstable format. You
>> do it with great supporting tech and a great engineering team, but you're
>> not compatible, and if I were your cofounder I'd ask you to focus on the
>> tech strengths and not your drop-in compatibility, so engineers who care
>> about facts don't grow to resent your public lies.
>> I've used a lot of databases in my life, but I don't know that I've ever
>> had someone call me angry because I pointed out that database A wasn't
>> compatible with database B, but I guess I'll chalk it up to 2017 and the
>> year of fake news / alternative facts.
>> Hugs and kisses,
>> - Jeff

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