forgot to mention the version we are using:

we are using 3.0.7 - so i guess we should have incremental repairs by default.
it also prints out incremental:true when starting a repair
INFO  [Thread-7281] 2017-03-17 09:40:32,059 - Starting 
repair command #7, repairing keyspace xxx with repair options (parallelism: 
parallel, primary range: false, incremental: true, job threads: 1, 
ColumnFamilies: [], dataCenters: [ProdDC2], hosts: [], # of ranges: 1758)

3.0.7 is also the reason why we are not using reaper ... as far as i could 
figure out it's not compatible with 3.0+

On Fri, 2017-03-17 at 22:13 +0100, benjamin roth wrote:
It depends a lot ...

- Repairs can be very slow, yes! (And unreliable, due to timeouts, outages, 
- You can use incremental repairs to speed things up for regular repairs
- You can use "reaper" to schedule repairs and run them sliced, automated, 

The time repairs actually may vary a lot depending on how much data has to be 
streamed or how inconsistent your cluster is.

50mbit/s is really a bit low! The actual performance depends on so many factors 
like your CPU, RAM, HD/SSD, concurrency settings, load of the "old nodes" of 
the cluster.
This is a quite individual problem you have to track down individually.

2017-03-17 22:07 GMT+01:00 Roland Otta 

we are quite inexperienced with cassandra at the moment and are playing
around with a new cluster we built up for getting familiar with
cassandra and its possibilites.

while getting familiar with that topic we recognized that repairs in
our cluster take a long time. To get an idea of our current setup here
are some numbers:

our cluster currently consists of 4 nodes (replication factor 3).
these nodes are all on dedicated physical hardware in our own
datacenter. all of the nodes have

32 cores @2,9Ghz
64 GB ram
2 ssds (raid0) 900 GB each for data
1 seperate hdd for OS + commitlogs

current dataset:
approx 530 GB per node
21 tables (biggest one has more than 200 GB / node)

i already tried setting compactionthroughput + streamingthroughput to
unlimited for testing purposes ... but that did not change anything.

when checking system resources i cannot see any bottleneck (cpus are
pretty idle and we have no iowaits).

when issuing a repair via

nodetool repair -local on a node the repair takes longer than a day.
is this normal or could we normally expect a faster repair?

i also recognized that initalizing of new nodes in the datacenter was
really slow (approx 50 mbit/s). also here i expected a much better
performance - could those 2 problems be somehow related?


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