
El abr. 10, 2017 12:12 PM, "George Sigletos" <sigle...@textkernel.nl>

> In 3 out of 5 nodes of our new DC the rebuild process finished
> successfully. In the other two nodes not (the process was hanging doing
> nothing) so we killed it, removed all data and started again. This time
> finished successfully.
> Here is the netstats output of one of the new newly added nodes:
> Mode: NORMAL
> Not sending any streams.
> Read Repair Statistics:
> Attempted: 269142
> Mismatch (Blocking): 169866
> Mismatch (Background): 4
> Pool Name                    Active   Pending      Completed   Dropped
> Commands                        n/a         2       10031126      1935
> Responses                       n/a        97       22565129       n/a
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Roland Otta <roland.o...@willhaben.at>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we have seen similar issues here.
>> have you verified that your rebuilds have been finished successfully? we
>> have seen rebuilds that stopped streaming and working but have not finished.
>> what does nodetool netstats output for your newly built up nodes?
>> br,
>> roland
>> On Mon, 2017-04-10 at 17:15 +0200, George Sigletos wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We recently added a new datacenter to our cluster and run "nodetool
>> rebuild -- <DC_current>" in all 5 new nodes, one by one.
>> After this process finished we noticed there is data missing from the new
>> datacenter, although it exists on the current one.
>> How would that be possible? Should I maybe have run repair in all nodes
>> of the current DC before adding the new one?
>> Running Cassandra 2.1.15
>> Kind regards,
>> George

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