
Yes, that is what I've done. I snapshotted the volume after step 3 and will
create a new volume from that snapshot and attach it to the new instance.
Curious if I am indeed replacing a node completely, is there any logical
difference between snapshot->create->attach vs detach from old->attach to
new besides a margin of safety?

Thanks for your reply!

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 11:37 AM Nitan Kainth <> wrote:

> Steps are good Rutvij. Step 1 is not mandatory.
> We snapshot EBS volume and then restored on new node. How are you
> re-attaching EBS volume without snapshot?
> I
> On Jun 13, 2017, at 10:21 AM, Rutvij Bhatt <> wrote:
> Hi!
> We're running a Cassandra cluster on AWS. I want to replace an old node
> with EBS storage with a new one. The steps I'm following are as follows and
> I want to get a second opinion on whether this is the right thing to do:
> 1. Remove old node from gossip.
> 2. Run nodetool drain
> 3. Stop cassandra
> 4. Create new new node and update JVM_OPTS in with
> cassandra.replace_address=<address of node being replaced> as instructed
> here -
> 5. Attach the EBS volume from the old node at the same mount point.
> 6. Start cassandra on the new node.
> 7. Run nodetool repair to catch the replacing node up on whatever it has
> missed.
> Thanks!

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