
Cassandra docs say otherwise.

Writing list data is accomplished with a JSON-style syntax. To write a record 
using INSERT, specify the entire list as a JSON array. Note: An INSERT will 
always replace the entire list.

Maybe you can elaborate/shed some more light?



A list is a typed collection of non-unique values where elements are ordered by 
there position in the list. To create a column of type list, use the list 
keyword suffixed with the value type enclosed in angle brackets. For example:

    id text PRIMARY KEY,
    game text,
    players int,
    scores list<int>
Do note that as explained below, lists have some limitations and performance 
considerations to take into account, and it is advised to prefer sets over 
lists when this is possible.

Writing list data is accomplished with a JSON-style syntax. To write a record 
using INSERT, specify the entire list as a JSON array. Note: An INSERT will 
always replace the entire list.

INSERT INTO plays (id, game, players, scores)
           VALUES ('123-afde', 'quake', 3, [17, 4, 2]);
Adding (appending or prepending) values to a list can be accomplished by adding 
a new JSON-style array to an existing list column.

UPDATE plays SET players = 5, scores = scores + [ 14, 21 ] WHERE id = 
UPDATE plays SET players = 5, scores = [ 12 ] + scores WHERE id = '123-afde';
It should be noted that append and prepend are not idempotent operations. This 
means that if during an append or a prepend the operation timeout, it is not 
always safe to retry the operation (as this could result in the record appended 
or prepended twice).

Lists also provides the following operation: setting an element by its position 
in the list, removing an element by its position in the list and remove all the 
occurrence of a given value in the list. However, and contrarily to all the 
other collection operations, these three operations induce an internal read 
before the update, and will thus typically have slower performance 
characteristics. Those operations have the following syntax:

UPDATE plays SET scores[1] = 7 WHERE id = '123-afde';                // sets 
the 2nd element of scores to 7 (raises an error is scores has less than 2 
DELETE scores[1] FROM plays WHERE id = '123-afde';                   // deletes 
the 2nd element of scores (raises an error is scores has less than 2 elements)
UPDATE plays SET scores = scores - [ 12, 21 ] WHERE id = '123-afde'; // removes 
all occurrences of 12 and 21 from scores
As with maps, TTLs if used only apply to the newly inserted/updated values.

On 6/19/17, 1:12 AM, "Subroto Barua" <> wrote:

    This is an expected behavior.
    We learned this issue/feature at the current site (we use Dse 5.08)
    > On Jun 18, 2017, at 10:29 PM, Zhongxiang Zheng <> 
    > Hi all,
    > I have a question about a behavior when insert a list with specifying 
    > It is documented that "An INSERT will always replace the entire list."
    > However, When a list is inserted multiple times using same timestamp,
    > it will not be replaced, but will be added as follows.
    > cqlsh> CREATE TABLE test.test (k int PRIMARY KEY , v list<int>);          
    > cqlsh> INSERT INTO test.test (k , v ) VALUES ( 1 ,[1]) USING TIMESTAMP 
1000 ;                                                                          
    > cqlsh> INSERT INTO test.test (k , v ) VALUES ( 1 ,[1]) USING TIMESTAMP 
1000 ;
    > cqlsh> SELECT * FROM test.test ;
    > k | v
    > ---+--------
    > 1 | [1, 1]
    > I confirmed this behavior is reproduced in 3.0.13 and 3.10.
    > I'd like to ask whether this behavior is a expected behavior or a bug?
    > In our use case, CQL statements with same values and timestamp will be 
issued multiple times
    > to retry inserting under the assumption that insert is idempotent.
    > So, I expect that the entire list will be replace even if insert a list 
multiple times with same timestamp.
    > Thanks,
    > Zhongxiang

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