I have a table like this (Cassandra 3.5)
    id uuid,
    lastname text,
    firstname text,
    address_id uuid,
    dateofbirth timestamp,

PRIMARY KEY (id, lastname, firstname)

And a SASI index like this
create custom index indv_birth ON playground.individual(dateofbirth) USING 
'org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex' WITH OPTIONS = {'mode': 'SPARSE'};

The data

lastname | firstname | dateofbirth
   Lundin |    Jimmie | 2000-11-18 17:55:17.000000+0000
  Jansson |   Karolin | 2000-12-19 17:55:17.000000+0000
    Öberg |    Louisa | 2000-11-18 17:55:18.000000+0000

Now if I do this
select lastname,firstname,dateofbirth from playground.individual where 
dateofbirth < '2001-01-01T10:00:00' and dateofbirth > '2000-11-18 17:59:18';

I should only get ONE row, right
lastname | firstname | dateofbirth
Jansson |   Karolin | 2000-12-19 17:55:17.000000+0000

But instead I get all 3 rows !!!

Why is that ?


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