Hello Cassandra Community,

I know this is a hot topic so let me TL;DR for those of you looking for the
short answer. Will there be a Cassandra Summit in 2017? DataStax will not
be holding a Cassandra Summit in 2017, but instead multiple DataStax
Summits in 2018.

More details. Last year was pretty chaotic for the Cassandra community and
where DataStax fit with the project. I don’t need to re-cap all the drama.
You can go look at the dev and user lists around this time last year if you
want to re-live it. It’s safe to say 2016 is a year I wouldn’t want to do
again for a lot of reasons. Those of us at the Cassandra Summit 2016 knew
it was the end of something, now the question is what’s next and what will
it be?

Having a place for people together and talk about what we as a community do
is really important. Those of you that know me, know how much I live that.
When we started talking summit inside DataStax, we realized it would be a
hot button issue. When I started talking to people in the community, it was
even more of a hot button issue. Having DataStax run the Cassandra Summit
was going to cause a lot of heartache and would further divide the
community with questions and accusations. It’s just much easier to hold a
DataStax Summit so we are just out there plainly and move forward.

What DataStax will be doing different.

We will be moving back to a more regional format instead of the big bang
single event in San Jose starting in 2018. Fun fact. Almost 80% of
attendees of Cassandra Summit were from the Bay Area. That means we have
developers and operators from a lot of other places being excluded which
isn’t cool. We will also be inviting talks from the Cassandra Community.
You don’t have to be a DataStax customer or partner to get on the speaking

If there is some new group or company that launches a Cassandra Summit,
DataStax will happily be a sponsor. There are some for-profit, professional
conference companies like the Linux Foundation out there that just may and
if so, I’ll see you there. After being involved in making the Cassandra
Summit happen for years, I can say it’s no small effort.

There it is. Fire away with your questions, comments. All I ask is keep it
respectful because this is a community of amazing people. You have changed
the world over these years and I know it won’t stop. You know I got a hug
for you wherever we just happen to meet.


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