You typically don't want to set the eden space when you're using G1

Jeff Jirsa

> On Aug 22, 2017, at 7:42 AM, Thakrar, Jayesh <> 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are somewhat new users to Cassandra 3.10 on Linux and wanted to ping the 
> user group for their experiences.
> Our usage profile is  batch jobs that load millions of rows to Cassandra 
> every hour.
> And there are similar period batch jobs that read millions of rows and do 
> some processing, outputting the result to HDFS (no issues with HDFS).
> We often seen Cassandra daemons crash.
> Key points of our environment are:
> Pretty good servers: 54 cores (with hyperthreading), 256 GB RAM, 3.2 TB SSD 
> drive
> Compaction: TWCS compaction with 7 day windows as the data retention period 
> is limited - about 120 days.
> JDK: Java and G1 GC
> Heap Size: 16 GB
> Large SSTables: 50 GB to 300+ GB
> We see the daemons crash after some back-to-back long GCs (1.5 to 3.5 
> seconds).
> Note that we had set the target for GC pauses to be 200 ms
> We have been somewhat able to tame the crashes by updating the TWCS 
> compaction properties
> to have min/max compaction sstables = 4 and by drastically reducing the size 
> of the New/Eden space (to 5% of heap space = 800 MB).
> Its been about 12 hours and our stop-the-world gc pauses are under 90 ms.
> Since the servers have more than sufficient resources, we are not seeing any 
> noticeable performance impact.
> Is this kind of tuning normal/expected?
> Thanks,
> Jayesh

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