All updates here means all mutations == INSERT/UPDATE or DELETE

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 5:07 PM, DE VITO Dominique <> wrote:

> Hi,
> About BATCH, the Apache doc
> doc/latest/cql/dml.html?highlight=atomicity says :
> “*The BATCH statement group multiple modification statements
> (insertions/updates and deletions) into a single statement. It serves
> several purposes:*
> *...*
> *All updates in a BATCH belonging to a given partition key are performed
> in isolation*”
> Is “All *updates*” meaning equivalent to “All modifications (whatever
> it’s sources: INSERT or UPDATE statements)” ?
> Or, is “*updates*” meaning partition-level isolation *only* for UPDATE
> statements into the batch (w/o taking into isolation the INSERT other
> statements into the batch) ?
> Thanks
> Regards
> Dominique

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