Can someone please answer this query?


On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 9:58 AM, shini gupta <gupta.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If we have upgraded Cassandra binaries from 2.0 to 2.1 on ALL the nodes
> but upgradesstable is still pending, please provide the impact of following
> scenarios:
> 1. Running nodetool repair on one of the nodes while upgradesstables is
> still executing on one or more nodes in the cluster.
> 2. Running nodetool repair when upgradesstables failed abruptly on some of
> the nodes such that some sstable files are in new format while other
> sstable files are still in old format.
> Even though it may not be recommended to run I/O intensive operations like
> repair and upgradesstables simultaneously, can we assume that both the
> above sceanrios are now supported and will not break anything, especially
> after https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5772 has been fixed
> in 2.0?
> Regards
> Shini

-Shini Gupta

""Trusting in God won't make the mountain smaller,
But will make climbing easier.
Do not ask God for a lighter load
But ask Him for a stronger back... ""

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