Hi Milenko,

There is a high chance that JMX is listening on the instance IP instead of
locahost which is default when you run nodetool command.
Try executing nodetool with -h nodeip or check netstat as Nicolas mentioned.
If you run nodetool status on one of the existing nodes can you see that
new node joined in?
What does the log say?

Side note:
I hope thats not a public IP of that instance


On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Nicolas Guyomar <nicolas.guyo...@gmail.com>

> Hi Milenko,
> Can you check the JMX configuration in jvm.options file and make sure you
> can login without user/pwd ?
> Also, the node might be listening to a specific network interface, can you
> output 'netstat -an | grep 7199' for us ?  (assuming your JMX port config
> is 7199)
> On 7 February 2018 at 11:01, milenko markovic <milenko...@yahoo.co.uk.
> invalid> wrote:
>> My friend has installed 4 nodes at his server in Norway.I wanted to add
>> new nodes to cluster.I have logged in with ssh and password.
>> ssh pi3@ -p 22022
>> Last login: Wed Feb  7 06:59:05 2018 from
>> Later sudo su,and have repeated 100% exactly the same operations as he
>> did.When I go for
>>  nodetool status
>> usage: nodetool [(-h <host> | --host <host>)] [(-p <port> | --port
>> <port>)]
>>         [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
>>         [(-pw <password> | --password <password>)]
>>         [(-pwf <passwordFilePath> | --password-file <passwordFilePath>)]
>> <command>
>>         [<args>]
>> The most commonly used nodetool commands are:
>>     assassinate                  Forcefully remove a dead node without
>> re-replicating any data.  Use as a last resort if you cannot removenode
>>     bootstrap                    Monitor/manage node's bootstrap process
>> It happens the same with any other nodetool command.
>> less /etc/passwd
>> qb3:x:1000:1000:qb3,,,:/home/qb3:/bin/bash
>> sshd:x:121:65534::/var/run/sshd:/usr/sbin/nologin
>> milenko:x:1001:1001:Milenko,,,:/home/milenko:/bin/bash
>> ntp:x:122:129::/home/ntp:/bin/false
>> cassandra:x:123:130:Cassandra database,,,:/var/lib/cassandra:/bin/false
>> Why?
>> User cassandra shell is not enabled?
>> How to change Cassandra permissions?Is this related to remote accesss?He
>> can add nodes without any problems.

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