

I already addressed everything you said.  Boy! Would I like to bring up the out 
of date articles on the web that trip people up and the lousy documentation on 
the Apache website but I can’t because a lot of folks don’t know me or why I’m 
saying these things.  


I will be making another post that I hope clarifies what’s going on with me.  
After that I will either be a freakishly valuable asset to this community or I 
will be a freakishly valuable asset to another community.  


You sure have a funny way of reigning in people that are used to helping out.  
You sure misjudged me.  Wow.


Kenneth Brotman


From: Jeff Jirsa [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3:12 PM
To: cassandra
Cc: Cassandra DEV
Subject: Re: Cassandra Needs to Grow Up by Version Five!



On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 2:53 PM, Kenneth Brotman <> 

Hi Akash,

I get the part about outside work which is why in replying to Jeff Jirsa I was 
suggesting the big companies could justify taking it on easy enough and you 
know actually pay the people who would be working at it so those people could 
have a life.

The part I don't get is the aversion to usability.  Isn't that what you think 
about when you are coding?  "Am I making this thing I'm building easy to use?"  
If you were programming for me, we would be constantly talking about what we 
are building and how we can make things easier for users.  If I had to fight 
with a developer, architect or engineer about usability all the time, they 
would be gone and quick.  How do approach programming if you aren't trying to 
make things easy.



There's no aversion to usability, you're assuming things that just aren't true 
Nobody's against usability, we've just prioritized other things HIGHER. We make 
those decisions in part by looking at open JIRAs and determining what's asked 
for the most, what members of the community have contributed, and then balance 
that against what we ourselves care about. You're making a statement that it 
should be the top priority for the next release, with no JIRA, and history of 
contributing (and indeed, no real clear sign that you even understand the full 
extent of the database), no sign that you're willing to do the work yourself, 
and making a ton of assumptions about the level of effort and ROI.


I would love for Cassandra to be easier to use, I'm sure everyone does. There's 
a dozen features I'd love to add if I had infinite budget and infinite 
manpower. But what you're asking for is A LOT of effort and / or A LOT of 
money, and you're assuming someone's going to step up and foot the bill, but 
there's no real reason to believe that's the case. 


In the mean time, everyone's spending hours replying to this thread that is 0% 
actionable. We would all have been objectively better off had everyone ignored 
this thread and just spent 10 minutes writing some section of the docs. So the 
next time I get the urge to reply, I'm just going to do that instead.




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