Thank you Alex,

I tried "TotalHintsInProgress" already, and I don't see it sending the
correct metrics. I used mean("TotalHintsInProgress") and I see 0 always on
Do you know what is the correct way to do rate or diff for hints using
I am currently using the below query

SELECT mean("TotalHints_Count") FROM "cassandraStorage" WHERE $timeFilter
GROUP BY time(10s)

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 12:26 AM, Oleksandr Shulgin <> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 8:21 AM, Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada <
>> wrote:
>> I am trying to evaluate the JMX hints metrics for cassandra(TotalHints).
>> However, when I am testing the metrics, the total hints accumulated count
>> shows perfectly fine, but when the hints are replayed and the hints
>> count(cql> SELECT * from system.hints; ) becomes zero on cql, and the JMX
>> metrics counter doesn't reset to zero and stays at the last known non-zero
>> value(eg: 6). when new hints are created the total get added to the last
>> non-zero count(e.g 6+2). Any idea if there is a way to get the active count
>> during the given time period?
> That's correct.  The "TotalHints" metric gives you a running total since
> the last startup of the node.  In Grafana you can use rate() or diff()
> aggregation on top of that, with a caveat that it produces a huge negative
> when the node is actually restarted and the next reading is less than the
> previous.
> There is also "TotalHintsInProgress" which might be what you're looking
> for, this one is reset back to 0 by the node once the hints are processed.
> Cheers,
> --
> Alex

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